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Our Project

Exploring inter-connected education through a distributed and blended European Entrepreneurship Minor

The PORTFOLIO project aims to provide HEIs with evidence-based knowledge and know-how concerning “digital transformation”, “inter-connected higher education systems”, and “innovative learning and teaching practices” through the creation, piloting and implementation of a twice-iterated Distributed Minor.

Mission & Vision

The PORTFOLIO project aims at designing and implementing a distributed and blended European Entrepreneurship Minor (Distributed Minor), whose blended execution and iterative testing will allow us to develop a Framework and concrete tools for implementing innovative teaching and learning practices.

Concrete & Practical Outputs

Series of guidelines for HEIs and teachers that will offer support in:

  • implementing an agreement for the automatic recognition of student’s learning outcomes across universities at a microcourse level;

  • implementing a standardization evaluation process;

  • applying a common quality control process to measure students’ satisfaction regarding interconnected educational activities;

  • providing teachers with knowledge and know-how about working with distributed and blended education;

  • developing knowledge and know-how concerning the creation and management of inter-university pedagogical teams

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Planned Results

1. Development and assessment of remote and blended courses on Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

The "Minor in European Entrepreneurship" will be comprised of 6 remote, online courses and 1 on-site hands-on experience. Each institution will offer a unique course in the fields of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, aimed at students from various educational backgrounds. The on-site experience will be developed by one institution, and students will have the opportunity to perform digital mobility, tailor their own curriculum, and validate their knowledge. The courses will also cover the priority topic of "Common Values, Civic Engagement and Participation". Students from both bachelor and master's degrees will have the chance to learn together about entrepreneurship and European Union values. After completing 15 or 20 ECTS, the minor will be granted. These courses will bring students and institutions from different countries together, and are intended to be integrated into the participating institutions' curriculum. The implementation of the minor will support the rise of micro-credentials in higher education.

3. Execution of the on-site dimension of the minor at an inter-university level:

This on-site component will provide students with valuable opportunities to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting through a challenge-based training experience developed by an institution. During this experience, students will work in collaboration with the industry, gaining hands-on training in entrepreneurship and innovation.

4. Framework for Inter-Connected Education (F-ICE):

F-ICE will address key topics such as coordination and management of networked partners, implementation of inter-connected modular courses, inclusion and diversity, leveraging and re-valorizing ECTS into micro-credentials, local implementation considering institutional realities, interconnected assessment of student learning outcomes, automatic recognition of learning outcomes, scaling, dissemination, and organizational change. This framework will guide universities as they navigate the complex and ever-evolving landscape of higher education.

5. Minor Toolkit for implementing an inter-European minor:

The Minor Toolkit is an essential resource for higher education institutions looking to implement the European Minor effectively. This toolkit is an open and downloadable MOODLE platform that makes it easy for institutions to set up the necessary infrastructure and manage courses in a uniform manner. The toolkit ensures quality control across all participating partners, providing a standardized framework for the successful implementation of the European Minor.

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2. Execution of the remote dimension of the minor at an inter-university level:

The execution of the "Minor in European Entrepreneurship" will focus on coordinating the minor courses across universities. This effort will target the priority of "Digital Transformation through Development of Digital Readiness, Resilience and Capacity". To achieve this, activities such as defining grading systems, standardizing course design, coordinating hosting and data collection, and inscribing students will be carried out. The aim is to ensure a smooth execution of the remote dimension of the minor at an inter-university level.

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Project Related Publications

Key role of teachers in sustainable inter-university education

Alvaro Pina Stranger, German Varas, Aude Le Saux Slimane Sales.


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